Change of plans! My daughter's final girl scout meeting of the year was last night. This is the one where we have pizza, play games - and most importantly to the girls - they get their awards!
There were A LOT of awards!!!! For my son's final cub scout meeting they got their ranks. For girl scouts they got the whole kit and caboodle. A pin for completing a year, a whole bag of cookie incentives, badges, a certificate and more! Needless to say, the girls were very excited. Follow it up with Pizza, girl scout cookies and Hawaiian Punch? It was like a slice of heaven!
Now, I'm sure you are wondering how this is related to running, especially the Speed and Agility Work mentioned in the title. Well, while the girls were eating pizza, the boys wanted to go into the gym (scouts is held at a school.) Well, before long freeze tag started up - and I seemed to usually be it. Sprinting after kids, changing directions, etc for 30-40 minutes DEFINITELY counts as Speed and Agility Work! I was WOOPED! Fortunately I was wearing sneakers with my inserts in them, but that did not prevent me from icing my foot when I got home. I also took one of my naproxin - which I had been weaning myself off of.
While I was rolling my little ice bottle on the floor - it made me realize how much less pain my foot has really been in. I can run. I can wear my VFFs (though I wear an elastic arch support around my foot), I can sprint and dodge on a hard gym floor. I can walk all over philly, I can drink beer. (ok, that last one isn't related to running. But it IS tasty!) It's interesting how we can get used to something like constant pain, which can make it harder to really see if it is getting better or not when it happens in little increments!
I'm going to keep up what I am doing - because it works.. I MIGHT even try a 3 mile run this weekend. Though I have to admit I have concerns that this may be "too much too soon"
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