Sometimes rest days are like a toddler's nap. The Child may insist they don't want/need them - yet due to that nap they are MUCH better to be around. Like wise, as a runner, we may not WANT to take a rest day, but our performance is drastically improved (and injury avoided) due to taking that time off.
Now in my case, I had run Monday and Tuesday, and took Weds. off. Many runners would say you don't need a break after 2 days, in fact, I know runners that only take one rest-day a week. There is nothing wrong with any of these options - I think the trick is to know your body and what it wants/needs - especially based on the level of fitness you are currently at, and the extent of the training done on the non-rest days. When I was training for my Marathon, I tried to go 6 days. I followed a pre-written plan. Last year, pre-hernia - I ran two days, with one day off and kept this up as a standard. I also avoided injury, felt good and it seemed to "Work" for me, so I am returning to what worked.

And Today's Christmas Carol is also from the Parlor City Boy's Chorus:
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