When I "Run for the ride" - I need to get to my wife's workplace, before she gets out of work. Other wise I need to run home as well - a situation that would be unacceptable with our tight timing last night. It's an incentive to make it a quick run. I kept up a decent pace, even though my cardio trainer stopped as I headed across the Route 201 Bridge. The good news is that I lost it because my wife called - so I no longer had to worry about not getting there in time, but my CardioTrainer never picked back up. Regardless - it was a great run!
I have been noticing a bit of shin-splint-like pain after my runs, but it isn't bothering me WHILE I run. I have been stretching my calves after each run, and massage that area during the day. (If my wife is reading this - I am sure THE STICK would help with my shin splints.. Just saying.) My legs are tired, but not "in pain." So I feel like my current training methods are fairly sound. In another few weeks I will be looking at my overall schedule and begin to add some speed work into it.
100 Up Exercise Progress:
Due to last night's time crunch I did not perform the 100 up exercise directly before my run. However, as I ran - I did continue to focus on my form. I actually tried lifting my knees more - in an exaggerated "perfect form." Strangely it felt faster. I suspect I was moving my legs faster in response to lifting it higher and pumping my arms more. I will try this again, and let you know what I find.
This morning I did 100 of the Minor. I am unsure of when to add the Major, or if I switch to the Major. Should I perform the Minor until I no longer feel the muscles "working"? The problem with trying a new exercise based off of a brief quote in an article - is all the unanswered questions.
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