Often I find holidays to be a difficult day to get a run (or any form of exercise) in. This Easter is going to be a little different. We stayed down in Crofton, Maryland instead of heading up to NY. No rushing to a family breakfast, no folks coming over for dinner.
Today may be the first holiday of my running life, that getting a run in is easy!
I will let you know how it goes!
I started seriously running in August (I had raced before but never consistently trained), & for the holidays that came after that I've made my family wait. For Christmas I got to my cousins house at 9:30pm instead of 7:30 because I was wrapping gifts at the last minute & instead of getting ready right after that I headed out for my run (45 min) then got home showered and got ready. I got there at 9:30 only because I did my makeup in the car. lol