This is a repost from - The original location of the "Once and Future Runner"
So, After wearing my black toe socks since I got them in May (washing them every night), They finally got a little hole in the heel. (Those Darn Socks!) I figure that I got my money out of them - considering I wore them at least 5 times a week. Yes, one pair - five times a week - washing them every night. I figured at $12.00/pair - I was going to get my moneys worth!
Well, I have not yet attempted to darn these darn socks - but figured I needed another pair. Off to EMS with my wife!!!!!! They had no black Injinji Socks.. Or VFF Trek LS... or Red Bikilas... Wasn't a good shopping day there. My wife insisted I get at least A pair - even if they didn't have black, so I went with the greenish-grey smart wool. I chose this pair because it was the only pair they had in the right size.
Having never been a big fan of normal wool - I was a bit hesitant about it, and they did feel different from the other Injinji socks I had. They weren't thicker, but almost felt as if they were. Maybe they compress down differently, I'm not sure. After a period of time - I adapted to them, and found them to be quite comfortable. My feet had been a bit chilly (it is Autumn after all) when we went into the mall, but after putting the socks on they were nice and toasty - But not hot. On the ride home my wife's feet were cold, mine were still comfy, not to hot and not to cold.
I have not run in these yet - but I think I may have found my solution of how to keep running through winter in VFFs. Or part of the solution, still need to work on the "Water-proof VFF" aspect.
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