About Me

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I am the father of two of the greatest kids ever, and am fortunate enough to have the most amazing woman as my wife! I am attempting to prove that "Once a Runner - Always a Runner"

Friday, December 16, 2011

Running with the boy.

Thing 1 Showing how tired he is after the run
This is a repost from  my Wordpress Blog
Last night was Girl Scout night, so my wife and daughter went off to their bi-weekly meeting. This was the perfect opportunity for my son to join me on that run he has been asking about. With the 50 degree temperatures (on December 15th?) could it be any more perfect?

Considering his past-problems with side cramps, I thought I would take a clue from the couch to 5k and try something different. We ran for one minute, then we walked for a minute. He did really well and the walk/run combo was perfect! We did run into one snag about halfway into the run (at the 1.5 mile marker) he suddenly realized he hadn't used the bathroom before we left. I let him know he shouldn't be hard on himself for it, as running helps to "Speed things along" in that department, and we were only couple blocks from one of my bud's houses. A quick visit (thanks Zak!) and back out we went.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Rest day.. Because your body needs it, even when your mind doesn’t want to!

This is a repost from my Wordpress Blog.

Sometimes rest days are like a toddler's nap. The Child may insist they don't want/need them - yet due to that nap they are MUCH better to be around. Like wise, as a runner, we may not WANT to take a rest day, but our performance is drastically improved (and injury avoided) due to taking that time off.

Now in my case, I had run Monday and Tuesday, and took Weds. off. Many runners would say you don't need a break after 2 days, in fact, I know runners that only take one rest-day a week. There is nothing wrong with any of these options - I think the trick is to know your body and what it wants/needs - especially based on the level of fitness you are currently at, and the extent of the training done on the non-rest days. When I was training for my Marathon, I tried to go 6 days. I followed a pre-written plan. Last year, pre-hernia - I ran two days, with one day off and kept this up as a standard. I also avoided injury, felt good and it seemed to "Work" for me, so I am returning to what worked.

My idea was to get up at 5 am and go running in the dark. The dark is much more peaceful in the morning than at night - as no-one is up and out at that hour, while everyone is rushing to get home in the evening. Once again, a mostly-free evening beat out the loss of sleep, and the alarm got shut off. I'm sure that extra hour will make me run better tonight!

And Today's Christmas Carol is also from the Parlor City Boy's Chorus:

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Running in the cold – you may not be as fast as you feel you are.

This is a repost from my WordPress blog.

Last night I got out of work earlier than usual. That worked out quite nicely as I got to run in the light! I went with one less layer this time, no under-armour on the top. I regretted that for the first mile or so. I never hit the point that I was "warm," but I was not "cold." I think I may stop messing with WHAT to wear, I seem to have it figured out now.

I felt good out there last night, I was trying to concentrate on lifting my legs and letting them drop the whole way. I tried to lift them as soon as they hit the ground - as the POSE book said, and I felt like I was FLYING! I also quickly understood why the book says you need to focus on building your core muscles. I could feel it BIG TIME. When I got back - I was a little disappointed at my time. I felt like I was doing at MOST an 8 minute mile. This was slower than I ran at the beginning of November. Regardless of that, it was a good run - and my calves/legs are feeling it this morning. A little bit of soreness always lets you know it was a good workout!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Running in the Cold and Dark - and loving it.

Another chilly run done and under the belt. When I started out last night at around 4:50, it was a balmy 35 degrees. I found out that once the sun goes down - the temperature drops FAST!!! By the end of the run it was quite chilly and I was glad I was finishing my run, not starting it! I had the advantage of already being warm once the temperature dropped, so even without the polar-fleece layer I was just fine!

In the new additions department of my running kit - I have added a head-lamp (the red thing on my head in the picture.) I picked up a set of flashlights on black friday that had 2 head lamps and about 5 hand-held flash lights. I didn't spend too much time examining them when I put them in my shopping cart, but it seems that the headlamp offers a choice of red or white light. This of course was something I had to play with as I ran.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Running in the cold, and trying some of the POSE philosophy.

So with this weekend being a chilly 27 degrees, I thought this would be a good opportunity to figure out "how to dress" for the cold weather. I did a quick google to find some charts on what people recommended, and decided on this:

Head: Perry the Platypus hat, Sunglasses (snow is BRIGHT), and headphones for music.
Body: Underarmor (though it was generic, not UnderArmor brand), T-shirt, Polar Fleece and Shell.
Legs: Underarmor (again, generic.. And sounds much better than "running tights"), running pants.
Feet: Smartwool Toe Socks, Vibram Five Fingers Bikila

I also had a bandana around my neck - that I could pull up to breath through if needed. I should have had my wife take a picture of me in my running get-up for the cold. I will do so next time! (I looked goofy.)

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Foot Turning, Shin Splints and changing the stride.

This is a repost from my Wordpress Blog.

So, ever since my long run in my marathon-training attempt, I have suffered from some shin splint pain on the left shin after a run. This week has been true to form, with the pain returning as my running has. Then, I began to look at the picture from the Pete Keyes Turkey Trot that I did on Thanksgiving day, and noticed my foot. If
you look at the picture to the right, you can see that my toe shoes are clearly NOT pointing straight ahead.

After I saw this, I decided to google the phrases "does running with feet pointed out cause shin splints." This brought back many different results. So, after reading countless pages, some of which did help, others were unrelated in their entirety - I discovered that this was a common thought on contributions toward shin splints.

running with toes pointed outward - was a contributor according to one site, along with "Tight Achilles and calf muscles."

Monday, November 28, 2011

Pete Keyes Turkey Trot 8k Race Report!

This is a repost from my Wordpress Blog.
The Sleeper Has Awakened!!! Ok, so now that I have my Dune quote out of my system, My apologies for being absent for so long, We have expanded our locations at Work - so things like running, blogging and sleep fell by the way side. But the new location is open, which means my free time is returning! With the coming of the Thanksgiving Holiday - to runners that means TURKEY TROTS!!! So this year I headed out to the Pete Keyes Turkey Trot 8k at Ostiningo Park in Binghamton. With it being an 8k, it was a guaranteed PR, since I had never run one before. In addition to it being a "first time" in that sense, it was also the first time I had volunteered at a race. I showed up early (in my Perry the Platapus hat) and helped pass out the Pre-Registrations (A-H!) It was actually a lot of fun, although the person who put the envelopes in "alphabetical order" had more of a theoretical sense of the alphabet rather than a practical one. Luckily runners are patient people!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Perfect Running Weather!!! Whether my Running technology works or not!

This is a Repost from my Wordpress Blog.

This unseasonable weather - is AWESOME!!!! Normally I am unable to run whenever we get "perfect running weather" - so I am enjoying it even more! All those days this year where the sun was shining, are being made up for - NOW! And I love it. Last night the timing was going to be tight - Our kids had "Family Dodge Ball Night" (Horace Mann does some of the absolute coolest things for their kids,) and it was Voting Day, so I couldnt' do a nice leisurely long run in the 68 degree (IN NOVEMBER!!!!) temperatures. I decided that the "run for the ride" was the way to go - so I headed out toward my wife's work.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Listening to my body, even when it seems lazy.

Two miles on the Dread-mill last night. This allowed me to appreciate one aspect of "starting over" -- a 2 mile run on a treadmill is easy to deal with. 20 minutes comes and goes fairly quickly, especially when compared to the days I have done 7!! I kept the dreadmill at a steady 6.2 mph, and ran for 20 minutes plus a dash to make it an even 2.1 miles. Felt fine (though boring), no real pain of any sort - no noticeable tightness in my foot like my run outside. One difference is that I wore my old Vibram Five Fingers Bikilas, instead of my new ones. The new ones are a size bigger (42) to help with room for socks in the winter.

I also did the calf-lifts 3 different times throughout the day. I suspect these are the reason that when I awoke this morning, ready to hop on the dread-mill, that my calves were sore. Going under my new "listen to the body" - I skipped running. I am concerned that I have to be careful here.. My body may just be slothful. Seriously though, I figure that I needed to skip it - as I am building my calves up from NOT running in the VFFs for almost two months. This is especially true as I stopped running, due to calf injury. My wife was also nice enough to point out to me that the calf exercises I am doing also strengthen the ankle in general. BONUS!

Thats it for the day - only a few more days of my "Feasting" existence.. We have a reservation on saturday for Fogo De Chao - the greatest restaurant of all time. Once we get back from our little vacation however - back to eating properly!

As a Note: I had to edit yesterday's posting. The new toe socks were NOT Injinji socks, but from a company called "SMARTWOOL"

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Product Review: Smart Wool Injinji Toe Socks

This is a repost from http://oddfutures.wordpress.com/ - The original location of the "Once and Future Runner"

So, After wearing my black toe socks since I got them in May (washing them every night), They finally got a little hole in the heel. (Those Darn Socks!) I figure that I got my money out of them - considering I wore them at least 5 times a week. Yes, one pair - five times a week - washing them every night. I figured at $12.00/pair - I was going to get my moneys worth!

Well, I have not yet attempted to darn these darn socks - but figured I needed another pair. Off to EMS with my wife!!!!!! They had no black Injinji Socks.. Or VFF Trek LS... or Red Bikilas... Wasn't a good shopping day there. My wife insisted I get at least A pair - even if they didn't have black, so I went with the greenish-grey smart wool. I chose this pair because it was the only pair they had in the right size.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

On the road again… I just can’t wait to get on the road again…

This is a re-post from: http://oddfutures.wordpress.com/2011/10/25/on-the-road-again-i-just-cant-wait-to-get-on-the-road-again/ - the original location of my blog.
So, on my before-last post - I was talking about doing the couch to 5k.. And here is what I discovered.

I can't do it.

It was BOOOOORRRRRIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!! And exceedingly aggravating. Now Mind you, I'm not saying it isn't a good choice for a new runner - but to go out there and "jog" (I'm notajogger either!!!!) for only a minute, and then walk for a minute and a half (and repeat until you hit 20 minutes)- when I know I can just run the entire 20 minutes.... I couldn't do it.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Stupidity is painful in running (unlike most of life ) to the stupid person.

This is a copy of  a post on my Wordpress blog. I have begun to post in both as I decide which interface I like better - and which one draws more readers.

First comment today - is on my leg. The calf/shin doesn't "hurt" anymore. Though It still feels off, definitely not up to running yet. Its hard to describe how it feels (wonky doesn't explain it does it?), kind of tight, almost sore - but not quite.. Today is my first day of not wearing a Compression Sleeve to see how it feels.

Now the rest of Today's post is brought to you courtesy of my old friend Michelle, who was kind enough many (many, many) years ago to rent me a room back in my Navy days. She had responded to my last post with this:
Don’t take this the wrong way, but I’ve been thinking about your situation and wanted to post my 2 cents. Take it or leave it.
I have watched you post about injury after injury which is “normally” a indication of over-training. I’m wondering if there is a way to have someone assess your running posture? Since you have a background in track, is it possible that you are running too forward and too fast (indicative of track running) for longer endurance runs? The shin splints tends to suggest this as well. If this is the case, I would highly suggest taking a look at Jeff Galloways running plans. He uses splits to keep you from really over doing it, but surprisingly speeds up your overall time. I use his training plans all the time. Check out the Disney World Half Marathon plans – that’s the next half marathon for Keith and I.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Picking a program

So, while I wait for my shin splints to go away, I am trying to pick my "do-over" plan.  I have debated the couch-to-5k program, but I have some concern that I could hold myself to that low of a level.  I suppose this is going to be a concern no matter what program I choose.  I have proposed to my son that he join me (he likes the idea) - I figure that will help me to stick with the "as-written-on-paper" plan.

Running this is going to be very frustrating.

Alternately I have thought about starting out with 1 mile runs, 5 times a week.  Then move it up to 1.5 for the following week.  Then 2, then 2.5, then 3.. But I think that this might go beyond the "Start over" idea - and do to much to soon. Especially if I keep raising it by .5 miles. 

I thought about this same pattern of running a set mileage and increasing it weekly - but using the 10% rule.  Start at 1 mile, then go 1.1.  then 1.12 the following week. then 1.23.  The big problem I see with this one - is that it almost requires my runs to be on a tread mill.  In addition to my hatred of those things, it will not get my bones/ligaments/muscles used to the pounding on pavement - which is one of the primary reasons for "Starting over."

I am definitely open to any suggestions!

Next years potential running schedule (goal of at least one race a month)
Jan -
Triple Cities Runners Club - January Freeze 10k Series
Feb -
11th - Cupid's Chase 5k Run
March -
39th Annual Forks XV (15) K Run
April -
Mudders and More Trail Run and Family Walk (if it is done again next year)
May -
6th - Greater Binghamton Bridge Run Half Marathon
June -
Tortoise and Hare Trail Run - Buttermilk Falls Ithaca
July -
8th - The Utica Boilermaker
August -
Kelly LeBarre 5k
Sept -
Monstar Marathon and Half Marathon Trail Run (unsure of which I will do)
Oct -
Wine Glass Marathon
Marine Corps Marathon
November -
Some Turkey Trot.
December -
Dec 31 - YMCA Resolution Run

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

I got to see my skeleton today.. Did YOU do anything that exciting?

You only get to see the top of the machine
because my phone lost the bottom somehow

So, today I had a bone scan done - it was a pretty cool experience.  I had to go in at 8:30 am, and they gave me a shot of radioactive material (my son is going to be so jealous.)  They then did the scan and at that point they could look at the blood flow.    They had me lay on the little bench, and then they set up the machine just over my shins/knees and took the scans.  Then they told me to go away for a couple of hours.

The screen on the right is where the pictures appeared

Back to work, then back to the hospital at 11:30.  After the required thirty minutes spent sitting in the waiting room (doesn't it always seem mandatory to you?) in we went for the actual bone scan.  Now this time, they actually did a full body scan.  It started over my head with it almost touching the tip of my nose.  For the next 25 minutes it worked its way down my body slower than a Caterpillar could crawl.  I could see the monitor (its blank in the picture, I know -bad timing - but they took my phone away for the full scan) as my skeleton slowly appeared on it.

Now to me it was just a cool skeleton shot - but the tech was able to look at it and let me know that I had pain in my knees - both left and right.  He also asked me what sort of trauma had occurred to my left arm (I don't recall any to be honest, but with an older brother and sister?  Probably..) 

They taped my VFFs together to help keep my legs still.
The guy who ran the machine was also a runner (though to be fair, he prefers biking -so his tastes could be questionable) who owned VFFs.  It suprised the first tech that helped me that not only did I have bizarre toe-shoes, but that his coworker did too - and apparently had worn them to work before!
We discussed shoes - he told me he had seen people come in that were wearing VFFs and switched back with shin splints (both the actual medical issue with the shin bones, and just muscular) from switching BACK to normal shoes. Moving back to the lifted heel and a more heel-strike style of running seems to help cause aggravation of the shin muscles.

The tech also explained how the bone scan works - the radiation they had injected me with gave off gamma radiation. This radiation hit the salt crystals that were in the flat thingies (you can see them on either side of my VFFs in the third picture).  That is what gave them the "picture" - just like a time release photo shot.  He told me that a stress fracture (such as the one he himself had in his thigh bone [though he used fancy medical terminology.. the show off...] shows up as a bright white compared to the greys of the normal imaging.  He explained this to me and showed me the monitor. Now let me be clear - he did NOT diagnose me, or tell me if I had a stress fracture or not.  He wasn't a doctor and could not do that.  But after explaining to me that a stress fracture would show up white - he pointed to the screen for me to look at.

I didn't see any white. :)

Monday, October 10, 2011

Marine Corps Marathon... 2012.

So, after speaking with a a bunch of people over the weekend, I think I have decided I am going to defer my running of the Marine Corps. Marathon.  I have just had too many injuries/illnesses and set backs this year.  I seriously can't tell you how bummed I am -  But I do want my first marathon to be fun. I run because I enjoy it, and while I think I could finish the MCM - I suspect that the majority of it wouldn't be fun.  We will still be going down to Washington that weekend - as the Hotel Reservations are "non-refundable."  The kids,wife and I will have a good time at the Museums and Monuments.  Plus by getting to see the lay-out of how they do things - will let us plan for next year.

So, For next year I am planning on doing the MCM, But I think I might do the Wine Glass Marathon as well. Its a local one that is the first week of October, giving 3-4 weeks between the two of them.  I also want to find a spring/summer Marathon (The Bluenose International is on my Birthday Weekend - May 20th) - as it is going to drive me nuts that I didn't run the one I had planned.  In fact, it will do so until I actually complete a marathon (Silly, I know.)  Anyone have any good suggestions for the East coast?  I am also thinking I need to look at the running calendar for 2012- I am also going to set a goal of at least one race a month.  Also accepting suggestions here!

But on a good note - I see this as a great opportunity to "Start Over."  I am going to begin running again, as a non-runner.  I am going to do short distances and slowly build everything up. I am tired of being injured and un-able to run and I think that starting from scratch - and building everything back up - may help.

This weekend - no running per the doctor's orders. I get the bone scan done on my leg tomorrow. It isn't a sharp pain anymore, but there is still a dull ache going on.  I am looking forward to seeing what is happening - as then I can plan out my "do over."

Running Diva Mom - Picture from the SHAPE Contest Website.
 On an even happier note - one of the blogs I read has been nominated for a "Top 20 Blogs for Fitness Junkies" -  Please consider stopping by and voting for "Running Diva Mom" -- here is the Link for the Voting.  You might also want to consider clicking on the "Running Diva Mom" and reading the blog - as it's a pretty good read!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Short post.. Shin Splints or Stress Fracture?

As the day progressed yesterday, the pain in my shin grew gradually worse.  As I did some reading online I became concerned it might be a stress fracture, so I headed out to the Walk-In to have it looked at.  The Physicians' Assistant that saw me was a runner (thankfully), so he was VERY understanding about my concern. They did an X-Ray (expecting it to be mostly useless), it turns out that it didn't show anything.  He told me to follow RICE (Rest,  Ice, Compression, Elevation) and that they would get a bone scan scheduled.  He let me know that despite being a stubborn runner that was going to ignore him - I really shouldn't run on it until after I get the bone scan results.

I agreed I wouldn't run for my next 2 scheduled rest days.

So my bonescan is on Tuesday morning.  The shin is feeling better today, after spending all day yesterday following RICE (and playing PS3).  I will do more massaging/icing/etc today - and see how it goes.  I will see how I feel on sunday.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Shin Splints HURT!!!!! Seriously, is 24 pain-free days to much to ask for?

I have to admit, I am growing progressively less amused with the idea of ankle pain.    My calves seem to be doing GREAT!!! I did 3.5 miles yesterday with a "Faster-than-marathon" pace - and they felt AWESOME!!! In fact, my whole body felt great - EXCEPT for my shins on my left leg.  I have one place on the inside of my leg (Front/inside) that is quite painful.  There was a matching pain on the outside - but the inside one was definitely worse.  I cut my run short from what I had planned (it was going to be a mid-week longer run) due to this.  The last half mile or so was REALLY painful.

I got home and iced it, and spent the night massaging it (or as close as I could) while taking Advil and after a short period I was walking on it ok, with just a slight twinge. It gave me great hope!

This morning I was walking with a noticeable limp and significant pain. I have KT Tape'd it (though this doesn't seem as effective on shin splints as it is on a sore calf), and took Advil. I woke up too late to ice it sot hat will have to wait until tonight.  I am thinking tonight will be a bike ride or a swim for my work out, and possibly friday as well. 

I hate how negative my blog has become, but it has become a frustrating game of "what can I hurt now?"    I know that I am physically capable of doing the Marine Corps Marathon, and enjoying it - If my left leg will let me.  This is a goal I have had since I was 16, 20 years ago. I 'd really like to see a check on that bucket list!

Less than 24 more days.. Is that really to much to ask for?

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Running for a Ride - a great motivator.

Only 25 days to go! At this point, I should be starting my taper - having done my longest run of 20 miles this last weekend.
Except, that didn't happen. :( Though now you need to turn that frown upside down - because I am actually in a pretty good spot. The 13.2 I did over the weekend wasn't to bad - and I think I will be able to do somewhere between 15 and 20 this weekend. I have obviously left the "Hal Higdon" training plan, but (For those whom have just started reading my blog - Joining the other three of you) with the Calf problems I have had that lead to my time-off of running - I am doing fantastic. I am on track to be able to complete the Marathon (with no real time goal.)

Monday, October 3, 2011

Walking for a Cause, and Running because..

Yesterday was the "16th Annual Making Strides against Breast Cancer" 5k walk at Recreation Park in Binghamton NY. My wife, my children and one coworker were there with our pink on to try and do our little part toward a great cause. It was amazing to see 3600 people out there walking on a dreary October day for such a great cause. The attitude was quite festive!

We went home after the walk - and ate left over chinese food (just as good the second day!). I did give it a chance to settle, and than headed out on the run. I had planned on a 15 mile run - figuring if I could do 15 yesterday, I had no worries at all that I was going to be able to pull off the 26.2 on the 30th of the month. Well, that and my buddy did the Wineglass Marathon in the morning, and it was "inspiring" (aka, I was having jealousy issues).

Friday, September 30, 2011

A Swim and a Run... Preparations continue! (though it does hurt more than I recall..)

I know that today is supposed to be a "Freaky Friday: Bizarre things found around the Interwebs"  - but I haven't had a chance to surf the interwebs lately - and nor have I posted on my exercising for the last two days.  So today is an update post instead!

Weds. was my "day off" of running (also known as a rest day) - I decided to take my kids to the local YMCA for the open swim.  They had a ball playing - and I did laps.  The one thing I quickly realized, is that laps are much more difficult to do as a 36 year old man, then they were when I was 12.  I remember going to my swim team practice (the Ramapo Raccoons!  and later the Rockland Dolphins) and doing lap after lap after lap - with no problems. Heck, I recall doing the 400 meter individual medley (100m each of Back stroke, Breast stroke, Butterfly, and Free-style)  - and being tired, but not thinking my arms were going to fall off...

So at the "Y" I headed out and did 50yds of Freestyle, did my flip-turn.....and switched to breaststroke.  Man, my shoulders felt it FAST (meaning that they got tired fast.. Not that I was fast.)  I ended up doing a total of 900 yards - with 2/3 of it being breast stroke.  Its kind of nice being able to pause during laps - and go play with the kids.  It doesn't give away the fact that I HAD to rest. This is the key reason I go to the open swim, and not to lap swim.   I have been reading up on line on how "public lap swim" works. And it seems that a lot of places do a "Circle swim" - where one side of the lane (or double lane) goes one way, and one goes the other. OR they might have shared lanes where each lane is like multiple mini-lanes.. you touch the person's feet when you want to pass.  I may have to go during "lap swim" time - to see how the folks at the YMCA do it. Who knew that swimming was so much more complicated than running? <side note: anyone have any advice on the subject of lap swimming?> 

Thursday I went out for a run in the evening, after Horace Mann's (my kid's elementary school) "Family Fun Night" - where the school serves hamburgers/hotdogs and has various bounce house type things for the kids..     By the time we got home - it was getting dark.

I strapped on my big 'ol "foot-coffins" (that name for shoes cracks me up) and headed out. I had no idea what distance I was going to do, just that it was going to be between 3 and 7.  I knew I wasn't going to run one of "Seton's" course's - strangely I have had no desire to do those after writing about them. I did a nice loop that worked out as almost perfectly 5 miles (I had to run past my house for 6 houses to actually hit 5 miles).  My legs were still tired - and it definitely showed in the last 2 miles - my splits slowed down noticeably.

Mile 1: 9:15
Mile 2: 8:45
Mile 3: 8:41
Mile 4: 9:02
Mile 5:  9:07

Still, not to shabby for my fourth run in 6 weeks. It brings my weekly total up to around 18 miles.  Hopefully I will get a run in today and tomorrow and push that up to 30 miles. 

I also have to say - jumping back in to running like this - my legs are sore today!  Though it does go well with the soreness of my upperbody from swimming.

Advil is my friend.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

7.5 miles under the belt, and I have to admit - I might be a little sore...

So, as I stated in my earlier post - I was all set to go do 3 miles yesterday.  I didn't feel like doing my usual three mile route, so I headed out in a different direction. 

Have you ever had one of those days where it all just seemed perfect?  The road passed by - the wind was good and you were simply in your glory?  Well yesterday it was raining - ranging from a light sprinkle to a pretty good down pour.  I love to run in the rain, and realized yesterday that I hadn't done it at ALL this year. Talk about missing out!!!  In addition to feeling refreshing, you don't stink as bad -since the wetness is from Rain and not from Sweat!!! I like to be less stinky.  (though my wife still wouldn't hug me directly after my run.)

Well, yesterday was (for me) one of those perfect days.  The rain kept the humidity from being too obnoxious, and the road just flowed by..  So you would think I really enjoyed my three mile run right?  NO!!! I enjoyed my 7.5 mile run!  I had debated going another 2.5, but figured turning my 3 miler into a 7.5, was already pretty stupid.  Boy did it feel good though.

I am finding I like Daily Mile... It says I have run further than my Cardio Trainer does. My seven and a half miles is Eight point Four twon.  It makes me much faster :) I do wonder which one is actually right though.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Five Miles in the Evening!

Course by Brian Hyland
 Now that the kids' are back at school for the year - I can run in the evening before picking them up on those rare nights when I get out of work on time.  Fortunately for me, last night was just such a day.

I taped up my calf  (and found out during the run, that a rush tape job does not hold), and headed out the door.  I still like to start with the courses that my Cross Country Coach Brian Hyland from "Back in the day" had laid out for the Seton Catholic Central Cross Country Team. It lets me concentrate on HOW I am running - since I know where I am running.  So I headed out my door and over to Laurel Ave, and left up to the park.  This works out to around 1/2 of a mile - the perfect warm up distance.  I popped out with some stretching (this is new... Since I have calf pain it is an attempt to help become a bit more limber) and then headed out on the Seton Catholic Central Cross Country Team 5 mile practice course.  Down Seminary to Beethoven, left to Leroy, right to West end, Left to Riverside Drive, Right to the traffic circle - and come back.

In addition to a Diploma
I  got a bunch of practice courses from this school!
The weather was a bit warm and muggy - but not HOT.  It also didn't require a long shirt, so I am definitely not complaining in ANY way.  I did focus on how my calf felt, but did not keep it from doing anything like I did on saturday.  It felt good the whole way. I certainly did not push the speed AT ALL:"
Mile 1: 9:42
Mile 2: 9:24
Mile 3: 9:07
Mile 4: 9:25
Mile 5: Only did .82 of the mile, but it was definitely slower - probably 10 minute mile pace.

So this morning being the "day-after"  - how do I feel?  surprisingly good. I expected to be as sore as I was on Sunday morning, but I am not.  My legs are tired - no doubt about that, but I could move without Advil today!  Tonight I am going to do a 3 mile run - again, no worries about the speed (ok, for future reference - I have no worries about speed until November.)  Luckily I didn't name my blog "notajogger" - both because it is already taken (and a good read, I suggest checking it out!) - and because I don't know how accurate it would be right now...  BUT I am in NO WAY complaining about it, it is a joy to be out there again.  In just a few more days - I know that my wife will really appreciate it as well (I'm much easier to be around when I can run!)

There was an interesting occurence that happened on Saturday that I hadn't mentioned yet.  I had just finished my stretching at the park, and headed out on the "Seton Catholic Central" 3 mile course - I had rounded the corner and waved to another runner, and he asked me if I had run the Boilermaker.  No mind you - the Boilermaker had 11075 runners finish the course - but this gentleman recognized me. We had a nice enough chat (he is training for the Niagra Falls Marathon) and we both headed back out on our runs.

The head nod between runners is nice -but being recognized from a HUGE race?  Now that's just cool...

Monday, September 26, 2011

On the road again...

So saturday was the big day - time to head out and put some pounding to the pavement and see how my calf was.  I started the morning by running out and picking up some more KT Tape (I was out) and got an awesome purple color. (My wife keeps asking why I don't get the skin colored. I have no answer.)  History has shown that it is effective in helping my calf - and I wanted every edge I could get.  Then I decided to head out as I had someone at the house to watch the kids.

It felt mah-velous.  It hurt like the dickens - apparently riding a 10 speed does not come near the difficulty of running (I was always riding around in max gear.)  Or maybe a runner needs to look harder for hills when on a bicycle.  But either way it was GREAT to be out there. I did wear my ASICS, as I have decided that I will be doing no running in my VFFs until after the marathon as I wish to minimize the chances of another calf pull.  As I ran I concentrated on making sure my heel was hitting the ground, although I was sticking with more off an "entire foot" than a heel-strike.  Then I would concentrate on NOT pushing off with my calf.  You would think that after years of not using my calf much in running, that it would be natural to drop back into that style.. But apparently I have adapted to the VFFs to quickly! Luckily the heel rise made it easier to make sure my heel hit.

When I set out - I logically knew I should only do about 2 miles, so I decided on 3.  As I hit my turn around spot - there was a car accident up ahead, so of course I had to run by that.  Then I couldn't turn around right there - so I had to go a bit further and turn down a side street.  I ended up at 3.8 miles for the day. My calf didn't "snap" or cause me pain, but I could feel that it was one tired muscle.

I then headed up to my father's house - he had a large amount of stone to be moved from the front yard, up the driveway (uphill of course) and turned into a stonewall in the back.  As we got started I suddenly realized - Boy it was stupid to go run 3.8 miles before doing this.  Pushing the wheel barrow up the hill was NOT my tired muscles' favorite activity.  We did get the rocks in the back, with only one injury (my brother.) 

Needless to say, the day after that (yesterday) I HURT.  But I feel better today and I am definitely looking forward to my run tonight!  Probably only 3 miles - but still looking forward to putting some more mileage in!

Friday, September 23, 2011

What we Should do vs what we Can do vs what we WANT to do.

Sometimes what we "should" do and what we "want" to do - are very different things. I am currently trying to decide if I should Defer my entry to the Marine Corps Marathon. I have not been able to run in 5 weeks due to injury and hope to try a short run this weekend. The Marathon is in 36 days, 17 hours and 47 minutes.

My first question is CAN I do it?  I don't know the answer to this.  One idea I have is to start running as I physically can - and base my decision on one thing.  Can I do 20 miles before the marathon?  If I can manage to run 20 miles 2-4 weeks before the marathon, then I should be able to complete it.  This keeps me "Safe" as far as being able to defer (must be done 10 days before the Marathon) and/or cancelling my hotel reservations (a week before).

I know what I SHOULD do.  Ideally - I should take my time and start running short distances slowly working my way up - forgetting about a marathon until next year.

I know what I WANT to do - I want to "live a dream" and run (and complete) the Marine Corps Marathon.

I don't know what I WILL do.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Why do you run?

 I think this question comes up on most running blogs eventually.  We go out and force ourselves to run faster.  We run up hill. We ruin nice relaxing runs by mixing sprints into the middle.  We swim, bike and lift weights simply to run faster.  We lose sleep to be out there putting one foot in front of the other while others are still tucked safe in their beds.  We face countless obstacles like rain, snow and people walking dogs.  We re-evaluate our eating habits and skip things that we would LOVE to be eating.  We do all of this, just to do a form of exercise that statistically speaking, is simply going to hurt us.


And so much fun when you un-roll
them to eat them!

For me personally there are several reasons.  The first and most obvious - is to try to be in some sort of decent shape, and to (eventually) look good when I go swimming with no shirt!    By running I can still work toward this goal while not feeling any guilt at all from eating Swiss Rolls and Nutty Bars. (I love nutty bars...) Weight can be controlled simply through diet if that is the only goal.  Lets face it though, if that was the only reason, I wouldn't be out there running, or miss doing so when I have pulled my calf muscle (Again.) 

There is also the sense of accomplishment in completing a run. 

People may look at you crazy that you chose to go out and run 10 miles (heck - they look at you crazy for THREE miles), but when you finish it you know you  have done something you set out to do that others can't/won't.  When you look at your weekly mileage of 20, 30, 40 or more miles - you can't help but smile.  When seeing the monthly - or ongoing total from your GPS Program (892 miles)? It just seems unreal.

When running a road (or trail I imagine) race, seeing the other runners out there and being part of it.  As you pass people cheering (or in the case of the Boilermaker and some of the larger races -  Bands, comedians, etc) you are very aware of what you are doing (not in an OMG way!)  And that feeling when crossing the finish line knowing you have just done a 5k/10k/15k (or more I'm sure - I just haven't done "more" yet) is one of the greatest senses of accomplishment you ever get to feel.  For me, that is also not enough on its own.

Credits: http://www.ccrf-kids.org/runwalk2010.html.
With Childhood Obesity at an all-time high in America (17% - 3X higher than the previous generation) - it is an epidemic our country is facing, and not handling well.  My children get to see me go out and run - in addition to my daily time at work, being a dad, cooking dinner, running them to various practices as well as watching TV and playing video games.  They get to see that when I say "You can't just sit and watch TV all day every day" - I am not just SAYING it, but living it.  Studies have shown that "Do what I say, not what I do" is NOT an effective parenting strategy.  Children learn from what we do, and I want to teach them the best ways to live.  Tie in the fact that they (sometimes) run WITH me?  And its a fantastic "bonding" experience as well!  Now I admit this one SHOULD be enough of a reason on its own. But in the day-to-day hecticness of life - this too isn't quite enough of a reason on its own.

The "Bucket List" - We all have one in some shape or form.  Running the Marine Corps Marathon has been on my bucket list since highschool.  So on days that I didn't want to get out of bed - that goal has either a)gotten me out of bed, or b)made me figure out what time that evening I WOULD go running if I wasn't going to lose the sleep now.

And last, but not least.  Because I can.  Because a runner is what I am.  Not for any one of these - but for all of them and more.

Why do you run?

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

So, you want to be a runner….A Post for beginners.. part 2 - The Shoes.

So, we have looked at some of my thoughts on running so far. In the previous post – I mentioned some of the things that I thought were important: Physical Fitness Level, Environment, Goals and Dedication (or commitment). These are all important considerations when contemplating running. However, you may have noticed that none of them seemed to involve putting one foot in front of the other and watching pavement move by. So obviously there needs to be a part 2 post to my part 1!  You may notice the same lack again - so there will be a part 3!  So, here are some more of my thoughts on my favorite form of exercise - Specifically, lets discuss the shoes!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Freaky Friday - Bizarre Things found on the Interwebs! - Strange Exercise!

This weeks' dose of bizarre interwebness (I just made that word up...) - Odd Exercises!!!!!

[caption id="attachment_843" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Paddle Board Yoga!!!!"][/caption]

We have ALL heard how good yoga is for you. Its relaxing, strengthening and zen-like in its benefits. Having tried it - I can assure you it really is!  Plus it will increase your flexibility - helping you to avoid a string of pulled muscles like I have made my new hobby!

One group of people have found a way to make the "Working on Balance" part of yoga - FAR more important.  If you were to perform your Warrior Pose, and Downward Facing Dog on a Paddleboard!! Mess up? GO SWIMMING!!!  I can definitely see how being on the water would help with the relaxation and help you avoid distractions.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

So, you want to be a runner....A Post for beginners.. part 1.

I received the following message on Facebook from one of my friends:
"Have you written something for people who are just starting out? Not that I'm THAT interested in running mind you, but...... ;-);-)"

So, I thought I would write my thoughts on what one should do/think about when they are starting to run.  First off, I need to mention I am not a trained coach or personal trainer.  These are my opinions and thoughts based on when I ran back in highschool, and from starting back up as a runner now.  Any I do not take any credit for quotes or information in links to other articles that I have shared below, as those are the intellectual property of their authors.  Also, you should check with your Doctor before starting any physical fitness program.  I also know that I have other runners that read my blog - please add your comments below with any new ideas you might have, or places that you disagree with me (I know that some of you have been running much longer than I have!)

Many of the lessons I have to offer, are based on what I did.  Not as an example of how to do it - but an example of what happens when you don't!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

No Running today due to flooding in Binghamton - Additional Photos 9/8/2011 @ 5:30

No exercise for the last couple of days -due to ongoing flooding in Binghamton NY.

[caption id="attachment_820" align="aligncenter" width="603" caption="Behind Roberson Museum and Science Center in Binghamton Flood 9/8/2011 @ 2:30ish"][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_821" align="aligncenter" width="603" caption="Bridge to Downtown on Riverside Drive, Binghamton - 9/8/2011 @ 2:30ish"][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_822" align="aligncenter" width="603" caption="Front st, on the South side of Riverside Drive - 9/8/2011 @ 2:30ish"][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_823" align="aligncenter" width="603" caption="Where Chenengo and Susquehana meet behind Roberson Center in Binghamton - 9/8/2011 @ 2:30ish"][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_825" align="aligncenter" width="603" caption="View from the Fire Escape at Roberson Science Center Binghamton - 9/8/2011 @ 2:30ish"][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_826" align="aligncenter" width="603" caption="Bryce and Elspeth behind Lourdes Hospital in Binghamton ~ 9/8/2011 @ 2:00ish"][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_829" align="aligncenter" width="640" caption="Johnson City - Riverside Drive almost at the traffic Circle - Flood - 9/8/2011 @ 3:55"][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_830" align="aligncenter" width="640" caption="Johnson City Flood - Boland Dr. Facing the 201 Bridge from the Circle to Vestal. 9/8/2011 @ 3:59"][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_831" align="aligncenter" width="640" caption="Johnson City NY Bolden Ave looking over at the bridge across to vestal. 9/8/2011 @ 16:00"][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_832" align="aligncenter" width="640" caption="Police/National Guard blocking off down town Binghamton 9/8/2011 @ 5:02 PM"][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_833" align="aligncenter" width="640" caption="Blocked off Riverside Drive/Northshore to Down town. 9/8/2011 @ 4:27 pm"][/caption]





Wednesday, September 7, 2011

It's a GREAT day!!!!!!

ok, So lots of fantastic things happening in the last 24 hours.  First one was ---- I WON!!!!  I am one of those people with abysmal luck.. I enter contests but never expect to win. I pay for a raffle ticket because I like the cause, not because I hope to win. I sign up for a few contests online here and there - mostly so that  the bloggers know they have one more reader.. But this morning? I WON!!!!

Over on Detroit Runner's blog (you should stop by and read - he is training for the detroit marathon)- he had a contest for an ifitness belt for free (donated by ifitness.)  It helps you carry your phone, wallet, fuel, what ever else you stick on it to keep with you in a non-chafing way.  I am a big fan of not chaffng.

[caption id="attachment_808" align="aligncenter" width="640" caption="Screen Shot of the ifitness website product page. (http://www.ifitnessinc.com/products.htm)"][/caption]

I have fired off an email to Jeff over at Detroit Runner - After it arrives and I get to test it out - I will post a review here!

Another great thing? THE KIDS STARTED SCHOOL AGAIN!!!  I don't think I need to elaborate on THAT one...

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Cursed!! CURSED I TELL YOU!!!!!!

So.. I am really starting to wonder if there is a hex on me. 

Friday my calf was feeling well, so I figured a nice slow 1 or 2 miles on the treadmill could be perfect to see how it was coming.  On to that boring piece of equipment I went!  First .25 of a mile! DONE (and boring!) 2nd .25 of a mile? Done! (still boring) 3rd .25 of a mile? Done (and boring.. but better than not running!)  Then... sigh.. disaster.  My son came in to the room (for about the fifth time) to make a funny comment.  I turned to look at him and my left foot hit the plastic on the side.  My leg twisted and I caught myself on the hand rails - but a different part of my calf started hurting.

Sigh.  I am wondering if I will be able to manage 26 miles, 385 yards in just 53 more days.  At this point I need another 2 weeks (or so) of not running to let my calf heal.  My longest run to date has been 12 miles.  After 2 weeks, I will have 39 days to get ready for the distance, after not running for a month.  Luckily I have until October 20th to defer (10 days before the marathon) - so I should have a good idea of whether or not I am capable of doing it. I am not going to run in my VFFs again until after - and my new goal is simply to finish it.  5 hours just became an acceptable marathon time.

I wonder if anyone has ever successfully trained for a marathon by using a bicycle before? I plan on getting ALOT of miles in on my old-school 10 speed while I can't run.  Started on friday, will continue it this week!  Today is rainy and nasty - so off to the YMCA to use their elliptical and stationary bikes. 

I suspect that it isn't going to be very difficult to get a PR for my second marathon...

Friday, September 2, 2011


[caption id="attachment_469" align="alignleft" width="311" caption="And the Winner is.............."][/caption]

So.. This is the Famous and Muchly - Anticipated 100th post!!!!  You know what that means?

Its time to review all of my old posts!!!

The first one was where I introduced my blog, who I was.... It was before I know it was going to be about running........... JUST KIDDING!!!

I think we all know why we are reading this - you all want to know - WHO WON THE FREE ROAD ID????????????  Well, with out any further delay - the winner is -

Freaky Friday - Bizarre things found on the Interwebs! This Week - Fun 5ks for the non-racer!

So this weeks freaky friday - fun 5ks designed for the non-racer!!!  Many people get out there and run for fitness, or for fun but do NOT want to go "Race."  Since they aren't "fast" or into the competitiveness, it's just not a direction they wish to go.  The good news?  There are some GREAT "races" out there for people who don't want to race!

The first race is "Run for your Lives!"    On October 22nd near Baltimore Maryland you have to"Protect your brain and run for your life. " Many people have heard of the Warrior Dash these days, but Run for your lives takes it to a whole new level!  In addition to 12 obstacles on the course-route, there is more!! ZOMBIES!!!!! With orange flags tied around your waist, you need to out-run the Zombies who are going to try to take them from you!  At the end of the course is the usual party at these sorts of events.  While running the course sounds fun - What makes this one really appealing  is you can volunteer to be a zombie and to chase people!  They provide professional make up and everything!
Run for your Lives!!!! (Picture from Runforyourlives.com)

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Product Review: CardioTrainer

I think all runners (and I imagine bike-riders as well) eventually start getting really obsessed curious about tracking their mileage.  One solution that seems pretty popular is to get a Garmin - a great option if you have some extra cash around.  But what about those of us that only have extra money around tax time?  Well many of us have so-called "SmartPhones" which often include built-in GPS.  This can be a fantastic feature while trying to drive from point A to point B, but has it occurred to you that there are other uses for a gps-imbued phone as well?