Every runner, runs for a reason. It may be health and fitness, it may be that it's a wonderful stress release, or countless other reasons that are as individual as a snowflake. Yet, regardless of WHY, we will find different sources of inspiration. Obviously this isn't true only of runners, but of everyone for various aspects of life.
I have many sources of inspiration for running, and they inspire me at different times and to do different things. My kids continue to inspire me to keep running over-all. I want to be a good example to them, and show them that having good fitness is important. But sometimes it is one person that I know that gives me the inspiration just when I need it. Today is a great example.
A friend (and former co-worker) of mine in NY started running a year or two ago, and now runs 30-40 mile weeks. In fact, he even runs twice a day quite frequently. Many of these long runs are done on a treadmill. Today I was hitting my treadmill, but had to do it without head-phones. (In the process of a road trip, I lost mine.) Now 4 miles on a treadmill isn't the world's worst run - but by 2.5 miles, I am ready to scream. I thought of Jeremy's run (See the picture above) and thought that if he could do 10 miles (even with music) then I could definitely finish out 4 miles. And I'm pleased to say I did. Thank you Jeremy!