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I don't think we runners (or want-to-be runners as I consider myself at the moment) are any different from any other person. We will escort our little ghouls and goblins around the neighborhood so that they can beg for a sweet confectionary delight at each house. After an eternity of watching them mooch, and yelling "Did you say thank you?" and "Get off the grass!" - we will return home tired and worn out. Then my wife and I will begin the annual "Candy Inspection." The ever important part of the evening where we make sure no one has tampered with any of the loot before handing it out. (One amazing thing, is every year it seems that most of the Peanut Butter Cups have been tampered with. Then, we have to set those aside in a bowl that the kids aren't allowed to touch as my wife and I test each one individually making sure they are "Safe.")