So, ever since my long run in my marathon-training attempt, I have suffered from some shin splint pain on the left shin after a run. This week has been true to form, with the pain returning as my running has. Then, I began to look at the picture from the Pete Keyes Turkey Trot that I did on Thanksgiving day, and noticed my foot. If
you look at the picture to the right, you can see that my toe shoes are clearly NOT pointing straight ahead.
After I saw this, I decided to google the phrases "does running with feet pointed out cause shin splints." This brought back many different results. So, after reading countless pages, some of which did help, others were unrelated in their entirety - I discovered that this was a common thought on contributions toward shin splints.
running with toes pointed outward - was a contributor according to one site, along with "Tight Achilles and calf muscles."